Slumdog Millionaire by Danny Boyle (director) is a movie which shows how an 18 year old orphan (Jamal Malik, main character) from the slums of Mumbai is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" ( tv show). However, when the show breaks for the night the police suspect him on account of cheating ; how could a street kid know all the answers ? To prove his innocence Jamal tells the police his story from when he was a child. . Each chapter of Jamal's layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the show's seemingly impossible quizzes.He tells the police his story of his life in slums where he and his brother grew up,vicious encounters with the local gangs and of Latika ,the girl he loved. As the new day dawns Jamal has to answer one more question to win the 20 million but theres just one problem, he doesnt know the answer to the last question.Even then he guessed and got it right. A question is asked at the beggining of the movie..
(Q) Jamal Malik an 18 year old ,uneducated orphan from the slums wins 20 million rupees ?
(A) He Cheated
(B) He got lucky
(C) He's a Genius
(D) It is written
They answer the question at the end of the movie , It Is Written.
According to me the movie potrayed his life and the game show and how it connected very well. The movie had two sides - one where Jamal's life in the slum is potrayed and the other is that how that life made him a millionaire.I thought the director achieved to blend the two sides very well.